Charging Stations
Our technology is amazing, but we can be overrun with the abundance of cords from phones, tablets, and other devices our family uses. ...
Off-Season Storage Materials
Despite the unseasonably warm weather we've been having here in Northern Virginia putting away our off season clothing is upon us,...
Off-Season Storage
As autumn rolls in and the leaves begin to fall we need to store our warmer season clothing to make way for sweaters, boots, and long...
Drowning in papers?
With school starting the papers are flooding into homes all over. Having been a teacher for many years, I know that there is a lot of...
A Way to Handle All the Papers
Create a Family Command Center What's a command center? A command center is central place for all your family's important papers and...
Paperwork - Mailbox Makeover
For February we are going to focus on something I hear from many clients is a struggle for them: paper. Some of you are rolling your...
A new way to take down Christmas Cards
This week’s favorite thing is a creative idea that our family has adapted from others we admire. Since two things I truly enjoy are...
Desktop To-Do Board - Staying focused while working
Hopefully my favorite things this month are helping you bring order to your life. Continuing in the vein of our productivity, this week I...