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Organize the Family Calendar for Fall

There is something exciting about summer starting, but there is also a good feeling when it comes to a close. The sense of going back to routines as school comes back in session and keeping a family schedule we are drawn to as we all do our best when things are All in Order. Now don't don't misunderstand this. This is not a call to perfection! This is a call to have things in an order that allows us to feel successful and accomplished each day.

All in Order Challenge of the week: Organizing your family calendar

1. Sync Google calendars - Each member can look at the calendar and see what events are already taking place. These can be seen through calendar apps on your phone or iPad to make for easy quick viewing. (This is what our family does.)

3. Paper calendar - Some of you are rolling your eyes while others are relieved that this is still an option. One great option is: Family Plan-It Plus Calendar - a vertical calendar with lines for family members, and attractive and not too corny. An second option is what I use for my weekly schedule is Weekly/Monthly Planner by Blue Sky.

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